Friday, March 18, 2011

Untuk Mereka Di Timur Jauh


29/01/2011 - Japan National Team winning the AFC Asian Cup final - mood: jubilation~

11/03/2011 - A magnitude 8.9 earthquake strikes off the northeast coast of Japan, followed by a tsunami - mood: devastation...

Inilah hidup. Suratan yang telah diatur oleh Yang Esa. Suka dan duka silih berganti. I really feel sorry to Japanese people as they have to endure this difficult period in their life. Tak cukup dengan gempa bumi, tsunami datang and swept away everything on its path and to make the matter worse, they are now struggling to contain the radiation coming off from their ruined nuclear plants.

Gamanshite kudasai, Nippon!

Hopefully, they will be able to pick up themselves again and start over. There could be a silver lining outta this catastrophe.

Dalam kita bersimpati dengan nasib orang2 Jepun, rasanya adalah lebih afdal sekiranya kita kekal bersimpati atas nasib rakyat2 Palestin, saudara2 Islam yang masih kekal ditindas dan dinafikan hak di tanahair mereka sendiri dek kerana kekejaman dan kezaliman Zionis laknatullah. Bersempena hari Jumaat ini, kita panjatkan doa semoga dipelihara saudara-saudara kita daripada terus dizalimi dan akhirnya berjaya dalam perjuangan mereka mempertahankan tanahair.

Free Palestine!

Avec vous, Le Japon & La Palestine!

p/s: tak pasal2 BH masuk CNN.....=p~


Miss Aidan said...

BH lacks of sensitivity towards japanese..

Tak ptut btul itu terjadi..

Above all, marilah kita mendoakan agar palestinians tetap teguh mempertahankan tanah air mereka..

Dan kita, bersyukur lah dgn apa yg ada.. Jgn byk sgt komplen.. Heheh

AlonGarcia said...

well,what i am afraid of this will be seen as the view of whole malaysia; mocking japan at this kind of time when it is not the actual case.

yes,kite kena byk2 bersyukur~