Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March Babies + Official SPM Leaver


Wes mangan? *tibe* Emm, Ok2 fokus balik. Last weekend on 26th and yesterday, 29th adalah birthday anniversaries untuk satu pasangan pengantin baru (ok, kasi can la pasal belum sampai setahun).Yang dimaksudkan ialah...

Mr. & Mrs. Aizuddean! or fondly known to me as my brother-in-law(Izu) and my sister(Kakak). They got married last year and this coming June will be their first anniversary as husband and wife.

Izu & Kakak - Along wish semoga korang dipanjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki dan diberkati usia (wish klise macam selalu). Semoga diberikan Ilahi kebahagiaan rumahtangga like forever dan sentiasa bertoleransi melayari bahtera perkahwinan (wish kurang klise tak selalu). Dan kira2nya when the time is right, harapan kami akan dikhabarkan ada berita gembira yang berbentuk pertambahan ahli keluarga (sangat tak klise!). 

I'm very sure both parents are anticipating such news!

Meskipun jarak menjadi resam kini, namun di mana hati berdiam itulah yang penting. Semoga esok adalah untuk kita bersama.

*Salam sayang dari kejauhan~
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On a different note, one of my family members baru dapat result SPM baru2 ni. Bila sebut pasal SPM, it does give me a bad taste in my mouth every time(use your imagination why) Tapi takpe, for this sake, i put that feeling aside.

Congratulations Yah!

She did well. And coupled with her excellent achievement in co-curricular activities, Insha Allah a place in a university is within sight. Pray hard and in the mean time equip yourself with 'proper ammunition' for varsity life as it can be much different from what you've been through in school.

Maybe I am not the perfect person in advice-giving department, but a tips or two is no harm at all. Kalau lebih tu, kita discuss balik la consultation hour rate macam mana. Heh heh heh~

All the best.

*picture courtesy from 

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