Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!


I wanna take this opportunity to wish one of my lil' brothers, Ateh...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

Yes, u're a year older~

Tiada apa yang lebih diharapkan oleh seorang abang dari melihat hang menjalani kehidupan remaja ni dengan penuh kesabaran dan akhirnya diikuti dengan kejayaan, lebih-lebih lagi dalam perjuangan with your studies. Make most of your time to explore, meet new people, and experience new things as these will be the foundation on how you will tackle life, and the world subsequently when you finish your studies.

*One interesting fact about him, particularly about his birth date, coincided with the passing of our singing lawyer, Allahyarham Sudirman Hj. Arshad. Masih teringat ketika orang sibuk-sibuk gi rumah Sudirman yang tak jauh dari rumah, aku sekeluarga berangkat ke hospital menyambut new addition to the family.

Njoy ur teenage life, mamat braces =p~

p/s: bday present will come late this time around. Jangan marah. Good luck with your upcoming exams.


atifabdullah said...

Thanks a lot along! hadiah tu ni pun dah kira hadiah..hehe..terharu ngn post ya muchos..xD

Syahizwa's said...

kalau ade org wat entry birthday i mcm ni pon i sukew..! eheh

anyway, happy birthday ateh! =)

AlonGarcia said...


bulleh.kite tunggu 'our' month k..~